Titling Activity

Titling Activity

A statistical summary of transactions


Lodgements by channel
Monthly lodgements by eConveyancing, eLodgement and Other (incl paper)
Lodgements by channel

Lodgements by type
Monthly total lodgements by document type
(i.e Release, Transfer, Mortgage, Survey Plan, Priority Notice, Other)
Lodgements by type

New lots created
Monthly total of new lots created
New lots created

For statistics prior to 01 June 2021 see. Titles registry activity – Datasets | Open Data Portal | Queensland Government.

Community Title Schemes

Community title scheme statistics
Quarterly breakdown of community title scheme statistics

Community title scheme statistics: by local authority
Quarterly community title scheme statistics by local authority
Community Title Scheme by Local Authority Statistics

Community title scheme statistics: historical data
Breakdown of community title scheme statistics historically by year
Community Title Scheme Historical Data

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.