Titles Queensland has published an example of the new Lease/Sublease Form (Form 7, version 7), as well as an example of the new Form 20 – Lease Declaration.
From 22 April, 2025, the new Form 20 – Lease Declaration, will be required to be included when lodging older versions of the Form 7 – Lease/Sublease (Form 7).
It is recommended that any outstanding leases on the previous version of the Form 7 (version 6) be lodged prior to 22 April 2025.
The changes to leasing practice have been explained more thoroughly in the below Frequently Asked Questions:
Example forms (to be published 31 March 2025):
To enable a move toward the inclusion of leases in eConveyancing, Titles Queensland has updated the Form 7 – Lease for lodgement in paper. Changes to the processes for lodgement and examination of leases will also be introduced to coincide with the release of the new version of the Form 7 Lease (version 7). Please note that eConveyancing of leases is still under development and the proposed date for its roll out will be notified closer to the time.
The changes to the new Form 7 (version 7) are outlined below and an example of the new version of the Form 7 can be found here.
Item 5 – Description of premises being leased
Several fields are now included at Item 5 to enable a detailed description to be provided and entered on title. Fields that are not applicable can be deleted by ruling through.
5. Description of premises being leased (delete statements with a * if not applicable)
Lease extent: Land description:
*Part of land area description:
*Building premises designation:
*Building level:
*Building identifier:
*Building sketch reference:
Item 7 – Lease Details
This item has been expanded to include information regarding the Lease Type and Area/Volume. Titles Queensland will collect this data to provide a more comprehensive data set of land use in Queensland.
The available lease types will be – Residential; Commercial; Commercial and Residential; Government and Water.
The available Area/Volume options will be – Square Metres; Cubic Metres; Hectares and Megalitres (for leases of Water Allocations).
Item 9 – Previous Leases
A set of statements included in Item 9 will provide Titles Queensland with the necessary information regarding the impact of the proposed lease area on title and they will confirm that the proposed lease area does not conflict with any existing leases or options registered on title.
Customers will have the responsibility to ensure that the correct statements are made. The steps required to ensure the correct statements are made at Item 9 will vary depending on the circumstances. These steps may include reviewing the title of the affected land and any lease sketch/master sketch outlining the premises. In some cases, the customer may need to seek the assistance of the consulting cadastral surveyor who prepared the lease sketch and/or master sketch.
One of the following statements included at Item 9 will be selected and confirmed to ascertain the parties’ intentions regarding any existing leases over the same or parts of the same area as the proposed lease:
The time for the exercise of the option in a registered Lease has ended and the option has not been exercised for Lease no. .……………
This lease of the premises described in item 5 will be concurrent with another registered Lease(s). Registered Lease no. …………………….
This lease of the premises described in item 5 will surrender by operation of law registered Lease no. …………………….
The premises described in item 5 are not, either wholly or partly, the subject of any other leases currently lodged or registered.
Building Lease Sketch Plans
The Registrar of Title’s Directions for the Preparation of Plans already requires lease sketch plans to include a unique surveyor’s reference. This reference will form part of the description of the premises being leased on the Form 7 to support certainty and consistency.
The surveyor’s reference will further ensure that there is a direct and logical linkage between the description of the premises being leased as shown on the Form 7 and the area defined on the sketch plan.
Master Sketches
Master sketches will no longer be deposited with Titles Queensland following the introduction of the new lease form. Instead, the Item 9 statements in the revised Form 7 will be used to process the lease and update the title accordingly. Titles Queensland will rely on a Lessor’s statement that the premises described in Item 5 are not, either wholly or partly, the subject of or concurrent with any other lease currently lodged or registered.
The new Form 7 (version 7) will be available to be downloaded and used from 31 March 2025 onwards.
The previous version of the Form 7 (version 6) will continue to be accepted; however, if you want to lodge a previous version of the lease without providing a completed Form 20 – Lease Declaration, you will need to do so prior to 22 April 2025.
On or after Tuesday 22 April 2025, any leases using version 6 of the Form 7 that are lodged or returned from requisition, must be accompanied by a statutory declaration containing relevant information for examination and data entry of the lease. A template of the statutory declaration, with the required information included, will be available on the Titles Queensland forms page online. Titles Queensland will accept a declaration by the lessor’s solicitor.
Leases lodged or returned from requisition using the Form 7 (version 6) on or after Tuesday 22 April 2025 that do not have a supporting declaration deposited will be requisitioned for one to be deposited.
A guide to completion will be provided to assist with the preparation of the new Form (Form 7, version 7) on the Forms Page on the Titles Queensland website when it becomes available for download and use on 31 March 2025.
Guidance will be provided on completing the new Form 20 – Lease Declaration in a Guide to Completion on the Forms Page on the Titles Queensland website when it becomes available for download and use on 31 March 2025.
Yes, you can still lodge a Form 7, version 6 (the old form); however, if you are lodging on or after 22 April 2025, the Lessor, their representative, or their solicitor will also need to complete and execute a Form 20 – Lease Declaration to be included with the lease when it is lodged.
The new Form 7 (version 7) and the new Form 20 – Lease Declaration will be available on 31 March 2025 on the Forms Page on the Titles Queensland website.
The functionality isn’t available for the lodgement of leases by eConveyancing yet. Your ELNO (e.g. PEXA or Sympli) will provide further information when this functionality becomes available for their subscribers.
The declaration can be made by any one or more of the registered owners (the Lessor), their representative, or if the solicitor for the registered owner(s) has the sufficient knowledge of the contents of the declaration, they may make the declaration on their client’s behalf.
Please note that eConveyancing of leases is still under development and the proposed date for its roll out will be notified closer to the time. It is suggested you contact your ELNO (e.g. PEXA or Sympli) for further information on their proposed release date for eConveyancing of Leases.
Yes, a further Titles Alert will issue advising of changes to the LTPM in due course. We recommend that you subscribe to Titles Alerts so that you will be advised of any changes by email.
Yes, a further Titles Alert will issue advising of changes to the RTDPP in due course. We recommend that you subscribe to Titles Alerts so that you will be advised of any changes by email.
Lessors will have the responsibility to ensure that the correct statements are made in item 9 of the Form 7 (version 7) or in the Form 20 – Lease Declaration. The steps required to ensure the correct statements are made will vary depending on the circumstances. These steps may include reviewing the title of the affected land for registered leases and their associated sketches, or survey plans that describe the leased area.
In many cases, particularly where the Lessor is uncertain about the extent of a registered lease, the Lessor may need to engage a consulting cadastral surveyor to assist in determining if a new lease will affect an existing lease.
No, leases already registered are not affected.
The way that leases are displayed on a title search will not change for all leases registered prior to 3 May 2025. All leases registered after 3 May 2025 will be recorded in a new way which incorporates the new Item 5 Premises Description fields on the updated Form 7 (version 7).
A comparison of how leases will appear on title searches before and after 3 May 2025, is shown below:
Before 3 May 2025: |
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After 3 May 2025: |
![]() |
There is information that is required to be completed in the new form (Form 7, version 7) which is not on the older version of the form (version 6). Accordingly, this information needs to be completed on the Form 20 – Lease Declaration in order to provide the same information as if the updated Form 7 (version 7) was being lodged.
For a summary of the new required information, refer to the FAQ titled: ‘What has changed about the new Form’.
All of the changes that affect paper lodgement will also affect eLodgement, however there are no additional eLodgement requirements (for Leases) that lodgers need to be aware of as a result of these changes.
On or after Tuesday, 22 April 2025, any leases using version 6 of the Form 7 that are returned from requisition, must be accompanied by a Form 20 – Lease Declaration containing relevant information for examination and data entry of the lease, instead of a new master sketch.
The new Form 20 – Lease Declaration, with the required information included, will be available on the Titles Queensland forms page online from Monday, 31 March 2025.
Leases returned from requisition using the Form 7 (version 6) on or after Tuesday, 22 April 2025 that do not have a supporting declaration deposited will be requisitioned for one to be deposited.
On or after Tuesday, 22 April 2025, any leases using version 6 of the Form 7 that are returned from requisition, must be accompanied by the Form 20 – Lease Declaration containing relevant information for examination and data entry of the lease. The new Form 20 – Lease Declaration, with the required information included, will be available on the Titles Queensland forms page online from Monday, 31 March 2025.
Leases returned from requisition using the Form 7 (version 6) on or after Tuesday, 22 April 2025 that do not have a supporting declaration deposited will be requisitioned for one to be deposited.
If the question you have about the new titling practice for Leases, or the new Lease forms isn’t contained in the above FAQs, you should use the Contact Us page.