Fee calculator

Calculate lodgement fees using our fee calculator below. Fees are updated each year on 1 July, unless advised otherwise. 

Titles Queensland fees are available here – FY23/24 | FY24/25.

Read our copyright statement and disclaimer before using the fee calculator.

Please note, some of these forms may need to be assessed for transfer duty. Find out when transfer duty applies and how to lodge for transfer duty.

Lodgement and payment options

Refer to payments and lodgement for details.

Fee calculator

Click on the relevant Titles Queensland form below. Statutory fees are not subject to GST.

Priority Notice, Extension of Priority Notice and Withdrawal of Priority Notice
Lodgement fee
Total fee payable
Form 1 – Transfer
The calculator can calculate at one time the fee for multiple transfer types on the one form. Please select each transfer type and enter the appropriate details.
Transfers under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 attract the same fees as freehold transfers.
No lodgement fee is payable for:
  • a transfer of land to the State [s.167A Land Title Act 1994]; or
  • a transfer made under Part VIII (s. 71–90) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwlth) [in accordance with s. 90(1) of the Act]
Are you transferring freehold land?
Consideration/purchase price. Enter “0” (zero) if there is no monetary consideration.
Lodgement fee
Are you transferring state leasehold?
Ad valorem fees are not assessed on any state leasehold component of the consideration.
Lodgement fee
Are you transferring a water allocation?
Ad valorem fees are not assessed on any water allocation component of the consideration
Lodgement fee

Are you transferring a secondary interest? e.g. a lease, mortgage or easement
Lodgement fee
Lodgement fee
Total fee payable
Mortgage (National Mortgage Form)
Primary interest

Freehold, state leasehold or water allocation

Secondary interest

e.g. lease or other interest

Number of secondary interests (lease or other interest)

Lodgement fee
Total fee payable
Form 3 – Release of mortgage
Form 4 – Request to record death
Form 5 – Transmission application (grant in Queensland)
Form 5A – Transmission application (no grant in Queensland)
Form 6 – Transmission application for registration as devisee/legatee
Form 7 – Lease/sublease
Is there a lease/sublease sketch with this form?
Lodgement fee
Sketch fee
Total fee payable
Form 8 – Surrender of freehold lease or sublease
Form 9 – Easement
Form 10 – Surrender of easement
Form 11 – Caveat
Total number of persons/companies listed in items 5 and 6
Lodgement fee
Caveat notice fee
Total fee payable
Form 12 – Writ/warrant of execution
Form 13 – Amendment
Lodgement fee
Total fee payable
Form 14 – General request

Form 14 has various uses. Please select your request.

Separate forms must be used for primary and secondary interests
Primary (freehold, state leasehold, water allocation)
Secondary (lease, mortgage, easement or other interest)
Select the primary interest type and enter appropriate details


Lodgement fee

State leasehold

Lodgement fee

Water allocation

Lodgement fee

No fee is payable for removal of a lapsed caveat
Does the new CMS incorporate a change of service address for the body corporate?
The State is exempt from payment of lodgement fee for the deposit or removal of an Administrative Advice
A surrender of freehold lease or sublease must be lodged if it is within its initial term or exercised option period (refer to Form 8 – Surrender of freehold lease or sublease).
Number of leases or subleases being removed
Is the lease outside the initial term and first option period?

Number of interests being discharged or satisfied

Individual (in their own personal capacity)
Other than individual (e.g. Trustee, personal representative or company)
Select the primary interest type

State leasehold
Water allocation
Individual (in their own personal capacity)
Other than individual (e.g. Trustee, personal representative or company)
Number of leases, mortgages, easements or other interests being dealt with
Number of new indefeasible titles requested

Number of interests being discharged or satisfied

No fee applies to this form

Number of new water allocation titles requested
Number of water allocation titles
Separate forms must be used for primary and secondary interests
Primary (freehold, state leasehold, water allocation)
Secondary (lease, mortgage, easement or other interest)
Select the primary interest type and enter appropriate details


Lodgement fee

State leasehold

Lodgement fee

Water allocation

Lodgement fee

Lodgement fee
Total fee payable
Form 16 – Request to register power of attorney/revocation of a power of attorney
Form 18 – General consent

No fee applies to this form. A Form 18 cannot be lodged on its own; it must be attached to another appropriate Titles Registry form.

Form 20 – Schedule, enlarged panel

No fee applies to this form. A Form 20 cannot be lodged on its own; it must be attached to another appropriate Titles Registry form.

Form 21 – Survey plan
An additional regulated fee will apply for lodging other forms associated with a survey plan, such as an easement, lease, covenant or profit a prendre instrument. Please refer to the fee calculator for that form or to the ‘Titles Queensland fees’ at the top of this page.
Enter “0” (zero) if there is no number required in any of the below fields.
Total number of new lots (include public use lots but do not include areas of common property as a lot)
Number of public use lots (e.g. park)
Number of areas identified by the plan for new easement (or proposed easement), lease, covenant and profit a prendre purpose/s
Lodgement fee
Additional lots and interests fee
New titles fee
Total fee payable
Form 24 – Property information (transfer)

No fee applies to this form. A Form 24 cannot be lodged on its own; it must accompany a Form 1 – Transfer.

Form 24A – Property information (transmission application)

No fee applies to this form. A Form 24A cannot be lodged on its own; it must accompany a Form 6 – Transmission application for registration as devisee/legatee of land.

Form 25 – Foreign ownership information

No fee applies to this form. A Form 25 cannot be lodged on its own; it must accompany a Form 1 – Transfer or a Form 6 – Transmission application for registration as devisee/legatee when the transferees/beneficiaries are foreign persons.

Form 29 – Profit a prendre
Form 30 – Mortgage priority
Form 31 – Covenant
No fee is payable if the covenantee is the State of Queensland.
Form 32 – Building management statement
Form 33 – Release of covenant/Profit a prendre
No fee is payable if the covenantee is the State of Queensland.
Form 34 – Extinguishment of building management statement
Form 36 – Carbon abatement interest
Form 37 – Surrender of carbon abatement interest
Form 39 – High-density development easement
Form 40 – Surrender of high-density development easement