20 March 2025 | Titles Alerts

225 – Land Title Practice Manual updates published 20 March 2025

The Land Title Practice Manual (Qld) (LTPM) has been updated and is available on our website at Land Title Practice Manual (LTPM) – Titles Queensland

Please note: the published updates do not relate to the upcoming changes to lease practice which were outlined in Titles Queensland Alert 224.  The updates to the LTPM that do relate to the new leasing practice will be published in due course.

The amendments published in this update relate to multiple parts of the LTPM. The primary update relates to Part 12 which has been updated to reflect the introduction of a new version (Version 5) of the Form 12 – Request to Register Writ/Warrant of Execution (Form 12).

The new version of the Form 12 has been updated for ease of use and now provides for execution by a legal practitioner or a body corporate for a community titles scheme.

The updated version of the Form 12 is accessible from the Forms page on our website.

Note: The previous version of the Form 12 (Version 4) will continue to be accepted until further notice.

A more comprehensive summary of the LTPM changes is available on our website.